What’s wholehearTED?
Love in all of its forms occupies different spaces in all of our lives, but is often excluded from many conversations regarding these spaces. Moreover, when we do focus on love, we often focus solely on romantic love, foregoing filial, storge, philautia, and other forms of love. This year’s TEDxUCDavis event, WholehearTED, focuses on how love can empower us in our lives, impact our careers, and cultivate ideas worth spreading. We encourage everyone in our community to embrace the power of love in exploring new interests, and to live life wholeheartedly.
Apply to be a speaker!
We are now accepting speaker applications and nominations for our conference in SPRING ’23!
If you or someone you know has an idea exploring the topic: wholehearTED❤️, we invite you to nominate a speaker or apply directly through the application linked below. 📩
Applications are due January 16th, 2023 at 11:59 pm.
Feel free to contact tedxspeakersatucd@gmail.com with any questions/confusions/inquiries!
Become a TEDxUCDavis Partner
We appreciate our partner/sponsors for expressing interest in supporting the TEDxUCDavis community. Our ability to produce and welcome attendees to future events is due in large part to the support provided by Fiscal and In-Kind Partners and Sponsors. We welcome your insight as to how you may support TEDxUCDavis and engage in upcoming events.